Summer Faculty Institutes

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Unlock The Next Level Of Course Design : An Adventure in Gamification : Summer Online Faculty Institute, 2021
    (Northern Kentucky University) Ball, Tracey
    Gamifying educational content can be a very effective tool for many subjects in higher education. This session introduces participants to concepts of gamification, best practices, and how to utilize tools found outside and inside of a learning management system. Examples include free third-party apps, inclusive pedagogy, game-based lessons and Escape Room modules within Canvas aimed to enhance any subject matter. Participants do not need to be advanced course developers to build quality gamified content, and this session is designed to reach all levels of expertise.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Putting the Discussion Back into Discussion Boards : Summer Online Faculty Institute, 2021
    (Northern Kentucky University) Gazzaniga, Andrea
    Reconceptualize how we use discussion boards to create a student-centered space for conversation and discovery.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Zooming Fun, Using Flipgrid to Get Students ready for Their One Minute Introduction : Summer Online Faculty Institute, 2021
    (Northern Kentucky University) Reichtin, Leighann; Marczinski, Cecile
    Covered in this session is how to use Flipgrid to prepare students for the 1-minute introduction (elevator pitch) that may help them get the job.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Culturally Inclusive Instructional Design for Online Learning : Summer Online Faculty Institute, 2021
    (Northern Kentucky University) Gunawardena, Charlotte
    In this session, we explore the key question: What does it mean to be culturally inclusive in learning design? We will define the characteristics of culturally inclusive learning environments, reflect on our own cultural programming and mindset, recognize the impact of microaggression and stereo-typing on students, and determine how to incorporate language inclusivity and translanguaging (recognizing, valuing, and encouraging the use of students’ full linguistic repertoires.) Participants will gain insight into how to build inclusive online communities that engage in inquiry, reflection, and growth, regardless of content domain.
  • ItemOpen Access
    There is No "I" in Teams: Collaborate Using Microsoft Teams In The Classroom : Summer Online Faculty Institute, 2021
    (Northern Kentucky University) Knuehl, Georgia
    Learn the basics of TEAMS and its functionality, and how you can use this communication tool for the classroom.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Supporting Students with "Invisible" Disabilities : Summer Online Faculty Institute, 2021
    (Northern Kentucky University) Cellio, Jen
    Identify some of the challenges inherent in a traditional classroom setting before highlighting a series of possible solutions, most of which we’ve already developed and employed as a result of our collective move to Canvas and online learning during the pandemic. The continued use of these strategies—deliberately and mindfully— can ensure that our face-to-face classes remain accessible to all students.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Engaging Dual Credit Early College Students During COVID : Summer Online Faculty Institute, 2021
    (Northern Kentucky University) Landis, Nona
    Sharing of tools and topics used for virtual engagement in UNV 101 classes to help think about how the pandemic illuminated the unique and diverse needs of students in the Young Scholars Academy early college program--and how to continue to meet the needs going forward.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Transparent Assignment Design : Going Beyond the Template : Summer Online Faculty Institute, 2021
    (Northern Kentucky University) Ndyoe, Abdou; Bowling, Bethany
    In this interactive dialogue/roundtable discussion session, a panel of faculty members share their stories and insights about TAD. Panelists discuss their experiences related to their journey with TAD, starting from their first encounter, reflecting on the process, the decision to adopt it, and how it impacted their courses and students. Each panelist also highlights how they applied TAD to their course, changes they have made, and the reported benefits of such changes both from the instructor and student perspectives to promote students’ learning and success
  • ItemOpen Access
    Using Wikipedia To Engage Students on Canvas : Summer Online Faculty Institute, 2021
    (Northern Kentucky University) Lott, Jessica; Noe, Carolyn; Ross, Crissy
    Presentation about open scholarship and an active way to apply open concepts in the classroom and on campus using Wikipedia.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Building Connections Through Virtual Space : Summer Online Faculty Institute, 2021
    (Northern Kentucky University) Zlatkin, Rachel; Schilling, Mary
    Presentation and discussion focuses on leveraging virtual tools to provide student feedback, clear instructions, and personal contact as a way to build community in a course.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Fostering Engagement with Jamboard and Zoom : Summer Online Faculty Institute, 2021
    (Northern Kentucky University) Downing, Megan
    Building classroom community, student engagement, and fostering a sense of classroom community and faculty presence can be challenging in the online environment. In this session, strategies used to engage participants in using Google Jamboard to facilitate rich student engagement in three synchronous courses will be shared: a first-year honors course, online teamwork course, and capstone course. Complex tech tools are not required to build engagement -- in fact, with their low learning threshold, simple online tools reduce tech hesitancy and simplify class planning and implementation, allowing instructors to focus on core content and students to engage in activities with their mind on the content and not on the technology.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Perspectives On Academic Integrity In Higher Education : Roundtable Discussion : Summer Online Faculty Institute, 2021
    (Northern Kentucky University) Wieland, Vanessa; Brooks, Andrea; Chesnut, Jeffrey
    Has student cheating spiked during the pandemic? How can we prevent academic dishonesty and instill a sense of honor in our faculty, staff, and students? How much can and should we monitor students while they are taking online exams? What actions should we take when we suspect (or know) a student is plagiarizing? Come join us to discuss these and other questions, as we discuss various perspectives on academic integrity, as well as the methods and tools for enforcing honest student work.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Re-thinking Online Discussion Assignments? A Teams Approach to Building Course Skills : Summer Online Faculty Institute, 2021
    (Northern Kentucky University) Darnell, Whitney
    Creating “quality” discussion in the online classroom, especially in asynchronous formats is challenging to say the least. In this session, we will explore the following ideas: What counts as a “quality” discussion? What learning objectives are achieved through the discussion board? What is the instructor’s role in facilitating quality discussions?
  • ItemOpen Access
    Using Online Materials Created During the Pandemic to Create a More Active In-Person Classroom : Summer Online Faculty Institute, 2021
    (Northern Kentucky University) Robertson, Denice
    The 2020-2021 academic year was filled with recorded lectures, online discussions, and other remote teaching strategies. We all worked incredibly hard and have accumulated materials that we perhaps aren’t sure how to utilize as we transition back to face-to-face teaching. This session is designed to help you use those materials to create a more active and inclusive classroom.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Why Would You Do That? Service in an Online, Asynchronous Seven Week Course (and a distant partner) : Summer Online Faculty Institute, 2021
    (Northern Kentucky University) Bailey, Rebecca
    Experiences with integrating service learning into asynchronous, online, 7-week courses using Transparent Assignment Design, Backward Design, and GEAR are shared. The “product” her students produce for the community partner are infographics. A theme that will receive special attention is “the why” of balancing content instruction and a service project in a truncated course term.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Design for Care: Building Inclusive Learning Spaces: Keynote Address : Summer Online Faculty Institute, 2021
    (Northern Kentucky University) Strommel, Jesse
    It is important for us to talk about how we maintain the communities at the heart of our educational institutions. This is the design challenge before us. There is no one-size-fits-all set of best practices for building a learning community, whether on-ground or online. Right now, we should begin our efforts toward building community by designing for the students who need that community most, the ones most likely to have been feeling isolated even before the pandemic: disabled students, chronically ill students, BIPOC students, queer students, and students facing housing and food-insecurity. We need to write policies, craft syllabi, design assessments, and imagine new ways forward for these students, the ones already struggling, already facing exclusion.