Collins, McKenzie2021-07-142021-07-142020 Celebration of Student Research and Creativity presentationPrevious studies suggest benefits of exercise in the treatment of SUD’s and long-term sobriety maintenance. This study will implement group exercises in addiction treatment centers to observe these possible benefits. R1: Is there a positive correlation between the number of group exercise classes participated in and motivation for treatment in drug addiction treatment in adult males and females? R2: Is motivation to continue inpatient drug addiction treatment and time spent in overall exercise positively correlated in adult males and females? H1: The number of group exercise classes participated in and motivation for treatment in drug a in addiction treatment in adult males and females will be positively related to each other. H2: Motivation to continue inpatient drug addiction treatment and time spent in overall exercise will be positively related to each other. en-USSubstance abuse TreatmentExerciseGroup Exercises Participation Among Adults Engaged in Inpatient Substance Abuse TreatmentPresentation